Thursday, December 6, 2007


The 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights is a much discussed topic in today’s society. There have been many Supreme Court cases that deal with this subject. The 2nd amendment itself states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. A lot of people have different views on this subject and I have tried to mediate the two sides into a plan that will make each side happy.

The process in which one obtains a fire arm varies from state to state, and in my opinion I think the USA should make its own policy on how to obtain a fire arm. This should exist of an extensive background check; also the obtainer should provide proof on which he/she will be using the gun. There could be a few different reasons to use a gun; the use of recreational activities, self-defense, and that they are not involved in a gang, cult, or other violent society, are just an example of the ways to use a gun correctly. One other thing that the obtainer should provider is that he/she is not mentally ill, or never been diagnosed with a mental illness.

On the issue of what recreational activities are approved, my partner in this mediation and I decided that hunting for wild game, and sport shooting was a proper way to use a firearm legally. When we discussed this issue, we decide that this would allow people to get out doors and to spend quality time with their families. As experiences as a child, hunting with my dad was a great way for my dad and I to bound. This would build strong relationships with parents and children, which we think would cut down on violence all together.

When someone wants to say they are using it for self-defense, I think they should prove that they have taken a course in gun safety and how to use a gun in self-defense. My partner and I believe that if they would create a course for civilians to take in which, they taught them how to properly use a gun and also how to properly use one in a self-defense matter, then the person that took the course would be allowed to obtain a firearm. This would help the number of gun related deaths decrease even more then what it has over the past years according to facts founded by The US department of defense.

We believe that it is important for the obtainer to provide proof that he/she is not in a cult, clan, gang or other related society, for the fact that many deaths from firearms, in my opinion, are from the acts of these societies. Not to say I do not like these societies, it’s just from what I have seen many deaths are due to them. If they can prove all of these facts, then the person should be allowed a firearm, considering we believe they would bring no harm onto society.

Also, I believe that the government should ban the use of a certain speed of firearms and a certain caliber in the firearm. This would cut down on how much damage would be done to the intended target. For example, the 50 caliber sniper rifle is just way to powerful for a civilian to have as a gun, unless they were properly trained with it. For the few cases in which the civilian has had proper training with the guns, then a special license would be permitted to that person.

The presidential debate on this issue is one that is of interest to many people and I have found that almost all of the presidential candidates are pro gun control in some form of another. For example, Dennis Kucinich wanted the ban of semi-automatic guns, and handguns (Gun Control: 2008 contender's view). There are many more examples of the candidates on gun control, but most of them are for it in some way or another. An exception is Fred Thompson, and he is against gun control all the way. He voted no for background checks at gun shows and voted yes for maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks (Gun Control: 2008 contender's view).

All in all, my partner and I believe that the issue of gun control can be settled if certain precautions are taken. If they obtainer of a gun can prove that they will not harm anyone with it, or that they have not means to harm anyone, then they could have the permission to obtain a firearm. Also, the gun control issue is very big in the political aspects of the presidential race. Many people will pick the president on what they say about gun control. If people would consider this mediation then the gun policy would, in our opinion, work out and not be an issue any more.


Barnes, R. (2007, 11 21). Justices to rule on D.C. gun ban. Washington Post , p. AO1.

Cornell, S. (2006). A Well-Regulated Militia. New YorK: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Doyle, M. (2007, 11 9). Supreme Court gun-control case could be landmark. Ney York Times .

Gun Control: 2008 contender's view. (n.d.). Retrieved 12 6, 2007, from On the Issue Every Political Leader on Every Issue:

Tatalovich, R., & Daynes, B. W. (2005). Moral Controversies in american Politics. In R. j. Spitzer, Gun Control Constitutional Mandate or Myth (pp. 167-195). Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

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