Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Thesis: Gun control is a good idea for the public to enforce because of many different reasons.

Reason: The amount of violent crimes will be reduced.
Backup: Use info from graphs on the history of crimes.

Reason: The suicide rate will decrease.
Backup: Use from historical report on the issue.
Reason: Self-defense rights.
Backup: The rate that a gun is used in self-defense is not that high.
Reason: How powerful firearms are now
Backup: Compare the power of old guns to new guns with new technology.


MR. MILLION said...

This is awfully bare. I don't know how you could get a paper out of any of this information. It sounds as if you just wrote this without doing any research. Don't let your partner down for the next step. Without FACTS (reasons and evidence) for him to refute, you are negatively impacting your own collaboration portion of the assignment.

jhoppe said...

Opposing Stances:

1) Stating that violent crimes will be produced is an open-ended statement. Violent crimes can include a range of actions taken by criminals including knife attacks, muggings/beatings, and even rapes. With this in mind, the graphs portraying this data may be skewed. There is also other research that has been done that has data exemplifying the opposite, stating that people have been able to defend themselves from being the next victim of a violent criminal action. I believe that having the right to carry a gun and doing so is a very effective means of self-defense.

2) I believe that the whole idea of a decrease in the suicide rate with stricter gun control is nonsense. Although a sad statement, the fact of the matter is that if someone wants to kill his or herself, they are going to find a way to do it. There are plenty of other tools of destruction in homes that people could use to harm themselves. Instead of focusing on the relationship between gun control and the suicide rate, the United States should be focusing on how to stop people from wanting to harm themselves.

3) New technology in the present day has led to many advances in the art of warfare. Included in this area is the further development of a firearm. So, with respect to the last reason about the power of firearms, I partially support gun control. But, I do not support total gun control. Of course there is a limit on what civilians who walk up and down the streets of New York City should be able to carry. This has already been discussed in U.S. v. Miller. What I do believe, though, is that other than what is already banned in the United States, such as sawed-off shotguns and fully-automatic weapons, citizens have the right to carry whatever they wish to carry.

MR. MILLION said...

"With this in mind, the graphs portraying this data may be skewed." This statement needs to be proven or left out. Just for future knowledge. Overall, really well defended from your point of view.